
If you are the sort of reader that wants the bottom line first, there is no straight forward answer to this question. There are many manufacturers of both products, and simply stating that these are healthcare-grade is no guarantee that it is going to give you the performance that you are looking for. Education on the individual specification of the fabric is key to upholstering furniture with a product that will stand up to healthcare cleaners and keep the infection control professionals happy.


There are no specific criteria for performance fabrics, and the term “performance” implies that it is a higher wear rating compared to industry standards. Many of these fabrics will have some form of a coating on them for fluid retention and will be a tighter woven fabric for added strength. The problem is that it is not measured against a standard and therefore is subjective. Among the Performance Fabrics is what the industry knows as a “Super Fabric” commonly referred to by the brand name “Crypton”. Crypton is a name for a patented technology for the treatment of fabric to prevent it from becoming stained and to resist and inhibit the growth of bacteria. It is a superb product compared to other woven material which in turn commands a higher price.

With infection control trying to reduce H.A.I.’s (hospital-acquired Infections), woven products are not the ideal surfaces for a thorough cleaning. The weave provides macro spaces that will collect undesirable debris on the surface of the chair, even if the fabric itself is fluid-proof. Often these products are used to improve the aesthetics of a chair. However, this will likely be at the expense of clean-ability.

With infection control trying to reduce H.A.I.’s (hospital-acquired Infections), woven products are not the ideal surfaces for a thorough cleaning. The weave provides macro spaces that will collect undesirable debris on the surface of the chair, even if the fabric itself is fluid-proof. Often these products are used to improve the aesthetics of a chair. However, this will likely be at the expense of clean-ability.

Typical woven fabric
Crypton Performance fabric


With thousands of vinyl products to select from, it is sometimes hard to choose, but we would recommend that you start with three main characteristics. Firstly, it must be suitable for the type of cleaners used in your facility (chemical abrasion). Second, you should look at the durability rating (measured in Double Rubs) and then finally, the color fastness rating (how quickly it will fade). It will likely surprise many that there are no specific criteria to qualify for “Healthcare Vinyl” status, so it is a buyer beware situation. Regardless of what material you choose, you should verify the three factors mentioned above as a starting point to your selection of furniture.

As previously mentioned with Performance Fabrics, the best surfaces are the smoothest ones when it comes to cleaning thoroughly. To achieve a desired aesthetic, many will select an embossed vinyl with texture, to add a little pizzazz. However this texture may have macro spaces where debris can collect, as shown here.


The only performance fabrics we would recommend in Healthcare applications are Crypton products. However, consider that vinyl is non-woven and often has a higher Double Rub rating for longer life. Therefore, we believe the best upholstery options for Healthcare are simple and smooth surfaces that will wipe down easily and not require scrubbing. Your upholstery selection will have a direct impact on your experience with any make of seating, so it is worthwhile to take the time to educate yourself on the fabric specifications.

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